Monday, November 15, 2010

生日快乐_Happy Birthday

Well, bloggie dear~ 
I promised you a post, so..
Here it is!!
Happie Birthday!!!~^^

Ahh, looking through the old post..
The oldest post was about I changed my URL to this Chewing Gum =)
Ahh, last time's URL is.....
Naughty Girl something xD
Forgot about it already!!
Cause, I love you too much, Chewing Gum Dear~ =P

You are with me...
Since last years November =)
And we've been through my days during Form 3..
And also, not to forget...
MY PMR!!! =D

Thank you Blog!
Thanks a lot~
Thanks for being a good friend, good soulmate xD, good partner =P...
And also, the "one" who'd listen to my sour, sweet, bitters =)

Blog~ You've done lots of things for me..
And, to payback..
I chose a new background for you ^^
Cute right?
More pink~ More cute~

So, that means..
I stopped since long already eh xD
Hahahaha~~ xD

Well, bloggie..
I remember .. You help me gain confidence...
You help me faced some problems..
You help me been through that disgusting problem...
Thank you~~ =D

Bloggie~~~ Honey~~
I love you!! =D
Hope you'd be mine forever and ever =)

Love ya tons! =D


  1. LOL!!! SOt Ar U XD..But ho..COngratz for ur Blog XD

  2. ElbErtZai - Ahaha~ Thanks!
    This is not sot~~
    This means I wrote this blog for one
    year already ^^
